Foreign Language Assistants in Spain

Foreign language assistants are assigned to an educational center in Spain. During the school year they collaborate in foreign language classes with activities to improve the oral and socio-cultural competence of the students.

Plazo de presentación de solicitudes abierto desde el 11 de febrero al 26 de marzo de 2025.

Infografía con imagen sobre el programa Auxiliares de Conversación

Countries of origin by language of learning:

  • German: Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
  • Chinese: China.
  • French: Belgium, Canada, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Luxembourg, Morocco, Switzerland and Tunisia.
  • English: Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Oceania (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu), Poland, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States.
  • Italian: Italy.
  • Portuguese: Brazil and Portugal.
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To become a language assistant:

  • Second and subsequent year university students from the countries participating in the program are eligible to be assistants.
  • Any foreign citizen of legal age yet under 60 years of age with a university education and resident in a country participating in the program may also be eligible.

To apply for a position:

Check first with the cooperating organization in the country of residence. PDFSalto de línea In some countries it is requested through the collaborating agency of the country. From other countries it is requested directly to Spain.

To apply for an area of Spain (autonomous communities):

To learn about conditions and requirements:

To fill up a declaration of responsibility:

When applying for the position, it is necessary to complete a statutory declaration regarding the state of health.

For further information:

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For those who are already language assistants:

Guide in Spanish

Guide in Spanish

Guide in English

Guide in English

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