Schools and programmes
The call for the 2025-2026 academic year of the Language Assistants Program in Spain is already underway. Depending on the country of origin, participation must be requested through the corresponding organization in the country or through an Spanish Education Department abroad. In the latter case, registration deadline ends on March 26
Salto de línea
This programme promotes the quality of language teaching, by incorporating language assistants to Spanish schools that collaborate in the learning of foreign languages.
Likewise, it promotes Spanish language and culture through the experience acquired by the language assistants in Spain when returning to their countries of origin. Moreover, it also has an impact on Spanish teachers by allowing their integration into bilateral educational programmes, promoting the exchange of experiences, the improvement of linguistic skills and knowledge of other cultures.
The corresponding authorities assign the assistants to the different educational centers, where they will develop their practice as language assistants during Spanish lessons, under the supervision of a tenured teacher. The languages taught are German, Chinese, French, English, Italian and Portuguese.
Who can apply for a position?
Any foreign citizen who has a university degree or is, at least, a third year university student, with nationality or permanent residence in any of the countries mentioned below.
How can you apply?
1. If you are in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Switzerland or United Kingdom:
2. If you are in Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, United States, Philippines, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ivory Coast, Morocco, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Oceania Countries (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu ), Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden or Tunisia:
Is it possible to apply for a consecutive year in Spain?
If you are currently a language assistant in Spain, you may be eligible to apply for a consecutive year in Spain, if the country of origin allows it. You can renew in the same school or region but you can also request a change to another region. Candidates applying for renewal must have a reference from their host institution in Spain.
More detailed information
Check the conditions, specific requirements, registration manuals, etc.: Call 2025-2026 - Language Assistants in Spain
Schools and programmes
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